JyOS - Native iOS Apps written in JavaScript with Visual Studio on Windows

What is JyOS ?

JyOS is a JavaScript v 3 runtime for iOS (iPhone, iPod and iPad) with a specific limited API to write data-centric native app. The development platform is Windows and the preferred IDE is Visual Studio 2010 or Visual Web Developer Express (free). You can also develop with other text editors and any operating systems with a text editor and a ftp program. JyOS has nothing to do with HTML5 or PhoneGap. JyOS is JavaScript using the iOS API natively.

Current State Of JyOS

After feedbacks in october 2012, I concluded the following: So I decided to put JyOS on hold and focus on a first app written in JyOS named jsonB which is avalaible on the app store.

Hello World

    Hello World Sample

JyOS.App.Name = "Hello World App 0";

var mainTableView = new JyOS.TableView("mainTableView", "Hello World");

mainTableView.init = function () {

	this.addSection("JyOS - JavaScript For iOS");
    this.addData({ Type: STRING, Id: 'HelloWorldControl', Value: 'Hello World' });

    this.click = function (control) {

        alert("Hi " + control.Id);
function main() {


UI Tour

  From a UI point of view, JyOS offers access to a limited set of the Cocoa Touch framework's features.
  • UITableView with search and advanced search
  • UIActionSheet
  • UIWebView
  • UIAlertView
  • MKMapView

Api Tour

  • JSON
  • Http get and post
  • localStorage
  • SHA1 and MD5 Hash
  • Triple DES Encryption (to decrypte/encrypte data received/sent from a Windows Server)
  • Text file
  • Unzip embed zip file
  • Display embed HTML and Markdown
  • Location (GPS)
  • Email
  • Camera
  • Contacts (Read only)
  • Calendar (Read only)
  • Audio

Code Samples


How to deploy the JyOS app on your device on Windows

Save the JyOS app somewhere on your disk. Plug in your device into your PC. iTune should be started. In the LIBRARY section select Apps. Drag and drop the app file into the Apps section. Sync your device.

Other IDE and editor

JyOS toolkit was developed to work with Visual Studio, but it can also be used from any editor. Configuring the JyOS Win Console to work with Notepad++.

About JavaScript and EcmaScript

JyOS is a JavaScript 3 runtime. We are automatically loading the following libraries.
